Мартин Подолак
Смотри также Славистика » Языковая история » Корпусы & первоисточникиДатский язык » Корпусы
[ru, en]
[ru] Корпус русского литературного языка задуман как представленный в электронной форме массив морфологически аннотированных текстов на русском литературном языке
[en] University of Leeds
[en, ru]
[en] The ParaSol, formerly known as the Regensburg Parallel Corpus (RPC), is a parallel aligned corpus of translated and original belletristic texts in Slavic and some other languages.
[en] The Amsterdam Slavic Parallel Aligned Corpus (ASPAC) is being compiled to provide material for research in the field of Slavic contrastive linguistics. It contains parallel texts in Russian and at least one other contemporary Slavic language and usually also one or more of the other European languages (Germanic/Romance)
[en] IntelliText was funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council (Project AH/H037/306/1 - Intelligent Tools for Creating and Analysing Electronic Text Corpora for Humanities Research) and developed in the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Leeds.
[de] Kroatisch diachron (CroDi), Russisch diachron (RRuDi), Polnisch diachron (PolDi), Parallelkorpus (ParaSol), Yiddish (CMY), Bilingualkorpus (ReBiSlav).