Martin Podolak
Se også Slavistik, Østeuropastudier » Russisk sprog » Ordbøger » Linksamlinger
[de] Eine umfangreiche, thematisch gegliederte Sammlung deutschsprachiger Links zum Thema Slawistik.
[de] Artikel om internetressourcer omkring østeuropæisk historie
[de] Indføring i litteratursøgning om Østeuropa på internettet
[de] Vejledning til internettet for slavister (arkiveret på Internet Archive)
[en] American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS).
[en, jp] University of Hokkaido
[en] Information portal dedicated to Russian language, literature, history, art, and culture. The collection of links includes bibliographies, catalogues, databases, digitized texts, image banks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other information available in the public domain
[en] A guide to Russian and Slavonic Language and Literature
[en] University of Arizona Library. The site takes a discipline- (or area studies) based approach to information literacy. It attempts to ascertain and enunciate the core information literacies and competencies students and scholars of Slavic are expected to demonstrate (or at least possess) in order to be productive members of the field. It focuses on those literacies/competencies that, at present, are most often acquired, if at all, outside of the usual scholarly or educational channels.
[en] Research guide, Duke University library.
[en] University of Pennsylvania
[en] Research guide, University of Kansas
[en] Research guide, University of Michigan
[da, en]
[da] Redaktionen af Fagenes Infoguide: Ungdomsuddannelser - Russisk stoppede den 31. juli 2011 og tjenesten lukkede officielt pr. 1. februar 2012. Stort set alle de kvalitetssikrede links fra Fagenes infoguide er overført til den sociale bogmærketjeneste
[de] Listen über Lehrstühle und Professuren für Osteuropäische Geschichte in deutschsprachigen Ländern (Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz) sowie Osteuropabezogene Forschungseinrichtungen im deutschsprachigen Raum und Deutsche Historische Institute in Osteuropa