Martin Podolak
[en] Daria Gritsenko, Mariëlle Wijermars, Mikhail Kopotev (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies. Palgrave Macmillan 2021
[da, en etc.] META-NET, et Network of Excellence som består af 60 forskningscentre i 34 lande, bygger det teknologiske fundament for et flersprogligt europæisk informationssamfund.
[en] CLARIN makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen-scientists from all disciplines, especially in the humanities and social sciences, through single sign-on access. CLARIN offers long-term solutions and technology services for deploying, connecting, analyzing and sustaining digital language data and tools. CLARIN supports scholars who want to engage in cutting edge data-driven research, contributing to a truly multilingual European Research Area.
[en] DIGHUMLAB is a national, distributed research infrastructure that integrates and promotes tools, digital resources, communities and opportunities to Danish researchers in the humanities and the social sciences.
[de] Clio Guide. Ein Handbuch zu digitalen Ressourcen für die Geschichtswissenschaften.Hrsg. von Laura Busse, Wilfried Enderle, Rüdiger Hohls, Gregor Horstkemper, Thomas Meyer, Jens Prellwitz, Annette Schuhmann, Berlin 2016 (=Historisches Forum, Bd. 19)
[en, es, fr] Novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching.