Martin Podolak
[en] The site is designed as a forum of exchange and an open archive serving researchers, journalists and others interested in the history and current permutations of Russian right-wing thought and politics. While everybody is invited to join, this forum is reserved for the spread of substantive, analytical information as well as for the announcement on relevant conferences, publications, and other academic projects. It is not a discussion group.
[en] Library of Congress
[en, ru, de]
[de, en] Länderinformationen, Analysen und Hintergrundwissen zum postsowjetischen Raum. Dabei steht nicht nur Russland im Vordergrund, sondern gleichsam der Kaukasus, Zentralasien, die Ukraine, Belarus und Moldau. Der thematische Fokus liegt auf den Bereichen Politik, Gesellschaft, Ökonomie sowie Umwelt
[en, ru]
[en] Post-soviet armies newsletter is an electronic newsletter devoted to armed forces and power ministries in post-Soviet countries that was first launched in 1999. The newsletter comprises a database which tends to assemble the maximum of references of works, books and journal articles on post-Soviet militaries and power institutions. The editorial part of the newsletter comprises a semesterly analysis (“Insight”) written by a specialist, the editor’s note and a publishing house publishing original books, reports, doctorate thesis, monographies, chapters relevant to all areas of studies covered by PSAN.
[en, ru] Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS
[de] Auf LaMBDa - dem Datenportal des Leibniz-Instituts für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) - werden Daten zu Arbeit (Wirtschafts- und Sozialdaten), zu Migration sowie biografische Daten gesammelt, aufbereitet und bereitgestellt
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